Category: Journey

The adventure continues

The pillar that does not rust and other wonders of the world

In the 90s I was lucky to travel to New Delhi and other parts of India courtesy of Hewlett-Packard. During my time in New Delhi I was able to visit Agra and the Taj Mahal. But recently reading an article in CNN about a pillar that does not rust it reminded me of the time…
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Planning Starts – Japan to Caribbean via Europe and North Africa 2024 – 2025

Planning has started for our 6 or 7 month long trip that will take us to Japan, then through Europe and North Africa and then on down to Miami in the United States before we embark upon a cruise and independent travel throughout a number of the islands in the Caribbean. Essentially we are book…
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Wow – where did that 5 (now 9) months go?

When I last left you (while in travel mode), we were on our way to Europe. It was at that time when Helen and I were evaluating what kind of travellers we were as individuals that I realised I needed some structure to this travel story. Wind forward two months and we are back in…
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Itinerary Planning – Chile

Our trip to South America feels like it’s going to be a series of mini holidays or trips. When I look at sites which talk about the top 5 or 10 things to do in a particular place we are going to, I feel as if we could spend up to a month in each…
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Tickets purchased – Let the forms begin

We have booked our tickets to South America, where we will spend 3 months doing the big lap around that continent before heading to Europe for spring on the Mediterranean and surrounding locations which will be another month of adventure. Afterwards, we head to Thailand for a relaxing holiday in Chiang Mai to recover from…
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