Chile Visa and iPhone 14

Last night saw the launch of the iPhone 14, or for me the iPhone pro max

which for this trip will be replacing the trusty Nikon DSLR which normally hangs around my neck as I fly over crocodile-infested waters of the Northern Territory. Announcing the new phones is one thing, getting one in my hands before our departure on the 2nd of November is another.
Apart from the pretty darn good cameras, it also has a SOS function which allows you to point your phone at a satellite and send an SOS, even when you don’t have a signal. I think that feature only works on North American sold phones, so I am hoping that our most desperate circumstance will be running out of empanadas on one of our treks.
In addition to the 8th of September providing the details on the phone, it was also the day I received my multi-entry visa to Chile which means that we can border hop into Argentina from the southern reaches of Chile, which I will refer to as Patagonia. Helen should get hers in the next couple of days as I was making sure I was filling out all of the details as well as possible on my application.
Having the ability to translate the Chile consulate’s website and some documentation to English was very helpful, as were the staff from the consulate who helped me with answers to a couple of questions. The visa was delivered electronically, so no need to front up at the consulate in person as I have done in the past when travelling to China.
Even though I expected no problems getting the visa, there was a sense of relief when it arrived. In recent news related to Chile, the residents of Chile have voted overwhelmingly to not change their constitution in recent days after most of the nation was initially active in wanting a change to the constitution a couple of years ago. The current constitution, written in 1980, is from the era of a previous President of Chile, Augustus Pinochet. It reminds me in a way of our own 1999 referendum in relation to whether Australia adopted an independent presidency model to replace the British Monarchy and the Governor General. Back then the vote was 45% for changing to a Presidential model and 54% for keeping the monarchy. In Chile though, 96% of those who turned out to vote rejected the new constitution.
I am sure there will be discussions about that topic and more when we get there.
Check out this quiz from Britannica on Chile. 7 questions, how many will you get right?
Thanks for tuning in and signing up for this blog. I really appreciate it.
About 6 weeks until we fly out and Helen and I aren’t even in the same city at the moment. Luckily OneNote, phone calls and emails are keeping the administration tasks in check.
There is an irony as I was drafting this last night, the Queen of England passed away. While not an ardent royalist, I had and have the utmost respect for her poise and dedication to her role. Although inevitable, the world certainly lost a very good person.

This image was created using Adobe Creative Cloud Express and the included great Adobe Stock images.
In a final note, I have placed an order for a iPhone 14 pro max with 512 gig of memory in the only colour that would work for a boomer – Deep Purple! Arrives just before my birthday. Now for the GoPro 11 in a weeks or two…